Adapt communication to each partner

If you want to get different stakeholders around the table, you need to address each of them in a different way. A “one size fits all” communication will not work. Address the stakeholders with a focus on the specific concerns of each of them.

Take this invitation, for instance:

 “We hereby invite you to join us in considering possibilities to remove concrete in our town.”

If you want to reach policymakers, it may be advisable to replace this text by the following:

 “Combatting soil artificialisation is one of the top priorities in the vision for our region. How can this be done in a feasible manner in your own town? What are the quick wins? What are the opportunities you can’t miss out on? Who are the partners who may be able to help you?

We invite you to a practical discussion on a joint approach to soil artificialisation in your town.”

Or if you want to reach local residents, you can use the following text:

 “Every day you are faced with the consequences of soil artificialisation: flooding when it’s raining and water shortages when it’s dry. What can we do to solve this problem?

We invite you to join us in a meeting to think about practical solutions with policymakers, experts, designers, enterprises and other local residents. Let us hear your ideas, and we will find ways to tackle the problem together."